ISO 45001 / OHSAS 18001 / ELOT 1801

Occupational Safety and Health Management Systems

What is ISO 45001?

Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems is relevant and can be applied to all businesses, regardless of size or activity.
Health & Safety Systems (H&S) are applicable to any company that aims to demonstrate its concern for the safety of its employees and all persons involved in its operation (customers, visitors), establish a reliable system for the identification, recording, evaluation and control of all risks, set specific health & safety objectives and implement organized actions to achieve them

What are the benefits of its implementation?

Commitment and allocation of required resources to implement HSE programmes to achieve HSE objectives.
Strengthening of enterprises in anticipating & addressing potential HSE risks.
Active role of employees, through training & education in risk identification, to create a successful HSE programme.
Monitoring of legislation applicable to the operation of the organization and assessment of compliance.
Establish a framework for partner-supplier-subcontractor control.
Establishment of HSE monitoring indicators.
Developing a culture of HSE within the company.
Reduction of accidents and occupational diseases.
Reduction of time lost due to accidents and occupational diseases.
Reduction in the cost of managing accidents and occupational diseases.
Recognition of the acquisition of an international benchmark.
Who is concerned?

All organisations of any size and type of activity that want to emphasise the health and safety of their employees.

The ISO 45001:2018 standard was published on 12 March 2018 and a three-year transition period was set for the transition of certification from OHSAS 18001:2007 to ISO 45001:2018, i.e. the deadline is 11 March 2021. On this date all certificates issued under BS OHSAS 18001 will become invalid. However, it should be noted that after 12 March 2020 any certificates issued after 12 March 2020 will be exclusively in accordance with ISO 45001:2018.

The aim of ISO 45001 is to reduce occupational injuries and illnesses, including the promotion and protection of physical and mental health.

The company BIOCHEMIKI Labs with its qualified staff provides consulting services, undertakes studies and the implementation and ongoing support of quality systems.