Microbiological and chemical analysis of water

Microbiological and chemical analysis of water

The BIOCHEMICAL Analysis Laboratories can perform microbiological and chemical analyses for the quality control of drinking water, springs, wells, boreholes, surface water (lake, river), industrial water, water for agricultural use (irrigation, livestock farming, etc.) and ice.

Basic Microbiological Analysis of Water
*Total Plate Count 22°C
*Total Plate Count 37°C
*Total coliforms
*E. coli
*Intestinal enterococci
Additional Microbiological Water Analysis
*Clostridium perfringens
*Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Complete Physicochemical Analysis of Water with Anions and Cations
* Hydrogen ion concentration (pH), * Conductivity, * Colour, Odour, Taste, * Turbidity, * Residual chlorine, * Total hardness, * Anions (fluoride, chloride, nitrite, bromide, nitrate, phosphate, sulphate), * Cations (lithium, sodium, ammonium, potassium, magnesium, calcium)
Chemical analysis of heavy metals

* Metals (cadmium, lead, chromium, hexavalent chromium, manganese, copper, arsenic, nickel, iron, aluminium, mercury, selenium, antimony)
Full Chemical Analysis of Water
*Colour, Odour, Taste, *Clearness, *Residual and total chlorine, *Hydrogen ion concentration (pH), *Conductivity, *Total dissolved solids (TDS), *Total hardness, *Periodic hardness, *Permanent hardness, *Total alkalinity, *Anions (carbonate, fluoride, chloride, nitrite, bromide, bromide, nitrate, phosphate, sulphate), *Cations (lithium, sodium, ammonium, potassium, magnesium, calcium)

* Heavy metals (cadmium, lead, chromium, hexavalent chromium, manganese, copper, arsenic, nickel, iron, aluminium, silver, mercury, selenium, antimony)

*Cyanurials, *Boron, Pesticides, Benzo-A-Pyrene & PAH, Total Trihalomethanes, Tetrachloroethene, Trichloroethene, 1,2-Dichloroethane, Acrylamide, Benzene, Vinyl Chloride, Vinyl Chloride, Epichlorhydrin, Bromides, Total organic carbon (TOC), *Oxidizability, Hydrogen sulphide, Surfactants, Fats-Oils, Hydrocarbons-Mineral oils, Phenolic compounds

*Accredited tests according to ISO 17025, No. 689 ESYD

Relevant legislation:
Drinking Water Act, as amended and in force:
Legislation on the Quality of Water for Human Consumption Government Gazette 3525 issue B, 25 May 2023, No. D1(d)/GP οικ. 27829

Directive (EU) 2020/2184 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the quality of water intended for human consumption

Circular D1(d)/GP 80755/2020, Monitoring of Radioactivity in Drinking Water

For groundwater:
– Substances or ions that may be naturally occurring and/or result from anthropogenic activities, in accordance with Annex II of the EIA 39626/2208/09 “Determination of measures for the protection of groundwater against pollution and degradation”

– Active substances of pesticides according to Annex II of Decree 39626/2208/09 ‘Determination of measures for the protection of groundwater against pollution and degradation

– Synthetic substances of human manufacture in accordance with Annex II of Decree 39626/2208/09 ‘Determination of measures for the protection of groundwater against pollution and degradation

Surface water
– Priority substances in accordance with Table 1 of Annex I of the Decree 51354/2641/E103/2010 (Government Gazette 1909B/8-12-2010)

– Specific pollutants, according to Table 2 of Annex I of the Decree 51354/2641/E103/2010 (Government Gazette 1909B/8-12-2010)

Modification of M.A. 170766/2016, (FEK 69/B/22.1.2016)