Terms & Conditions

Terms & Conditions

About the Analysis Reports as issued by the BIOCHEMIKI Laboratories:
The results refer exclusively to the samples analysed.
Partial reproduction of the Analysis Reports without the approval of the Laboratory is prohibited unless they are reproduced in their entirety.
The Official Accreditation Scope of Practice (OSP) of our laboratories is referred to here in its current version: ISO 17025 Accreditation, ESIA, Testing No. 689
Decision Rule for Declarations of Conformity:
Where decision rules are specified in national or EU legislation or EU guidelines, these are followed without exception (including where tolerances are specified). In particular, under legislation D1(d)/GP.I.C. Int. 27829 for waters intended for human consumption, the uncertainty of measurement is not used as an additional tolerance to the parametric values as defined.
In cases where no rules are specified by legislation or guidelines, the decision rule below shall be taken into account when evaluating a result judged against a maximum or minimum limit in order to consider the compliance of a sample with the provisions of the applicable legislation:
For a 95 % confidence level,
x-2u<Lmax, where x is the measured result, u is the standard uncertainty and Lmax is the upper (legal) limit (compliant result)
x-2u>Lmax, where x is the measured result, u is the standard uncertainty, and Lmax is the upper (legal) limit (non-compliant result)
x+2u>Lmin, where x is the measured result, u is the standard uncertainty and Lmin is the lower (legal) limit (compliant result)
x+2u<Lmin, where x is the measured result, u is the standard uncertainty and Lmin is the lower (legal) limit (non-compliant result)
In the case where the measured result x is compared to a single declared value L, it is considered to be compliant at the 95% confidence level when x-2u<L<x+2u where u is the standard uncertainty.